Novaroom Design

Modern lighting and furniture for your home


Not to brag but we have talent.
Our award winning team consists of highly experienced, classically trained artists and architects who have come to us from across Italy.

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We are affordable.
Our artists work in a traditional studio in a small town in Italy.
We don’t have expensive loft offices with lots of toys.
You pay for our art not our overheads.

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We are fast.
You work with our Brooklyn office during both EST and PST business hours.
We work with our Italian office and brief the designers during their time zone.
You wake up to see fresh results each morning.
It’s very efficient.
We have completed EVERY project well ahead of the deadline.

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Our approach is refreshingly uncomplicated.
We charge by results not by the hour. We keep working on your project until you love it.

Bottle Shape
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First Draft
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Second Draft
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Final result
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